Calling all photographers, videographers and media creatives!
A picture can say 1000 words……………..We understand how good media coverage of our events can lead us to greater places.
If you are a photographer, Videographer, Drone pilot, or maybe you are a vlogger or rising digital creator? If you feel you could produce something great to help promote and bring further coverage to our events then get in touch!
We like to test new talent and already have a few photographers that will happily share their experience with you!
Minimum requirements (if you don’t have these we may be able to help so get in touch and we can still talk!):
-Public liability insurance up to 5 million
-Some experience of your chosen media i.e photographing moving cars etc.
-Instagram/facebook/website/youtube or similar where we can view your work.
-A good attitude and a willingness to work with a team of other photographers/media crews. We rotate positions so everyone gets a mix of the action.
-Drone pilots require proper licensing and approval from the venues in advance, so please apply well in advance and we will put you in touch with the venue.
-You agree to supply some footage/photographs to be used by the championship for promotional purposes (picture credits/watermarks will be added!).