Autosport International 2024
Once again, Pro Champion Dmitrij Sribnyj kindly invited Formula G to attend Autosport and take a spot on his stand. Alongside his slightly insane Mini-Suber (follow the build here), FG old-timer Matt Cant brought his V8 E30, and Street Class runner-up Levente Bozoki was showing off his 350Z convertible. Also on the stand were Ilya Krylov with his kevlar-carbon Time Attack Clio, FG sponsor Eden Young of GizFab with his very rare mk1 Forester STI, and FG boss John Birrell with his MR2 Roadster.
An eclectic mix of machinery that invited a lot of conversations with visitors!
As always it was great to catch up with old friends and make new ones. The whole Violent Running gang were there. We bumped in to Andy Bevan and Mike Newland, who were hosting a Drift Taxi stand as well as promoting their Open Highways Tours business, with FG Pro Stephen Gretton displaying his MX5, as well as former-FG head honcho Becky Gilbert! Lovely to catch up with Yohann Quaziz of PHDrift, too, as well as the organisers of Coventry MotoFest. We met a whole lot of people interested in having a go at Formula G, which was hugely encouraging as attracting new drivers will help keep the Championship alive.
There had been a lot of negativity around Autosport last year, but it seemed better organised and a little busier this time around. Hopefully next year more big retailers will return and we can start to see it get back to how it was pre-Covid, but that won’t happen without everyone’s support - so get behind it and Make Autosport Great Again!
Enjoy some of our favourite cars from the show: