Practice makes perfect
Learn to Gymkhana!
The novice day was hugely successful - we will definitely be looking to hold more of those going forwards! A huge amount of fun was had by all on the relatively ‘simple’ track, with Joshua O’Sullivan, one of our marshals, taking the top step of the podium for setting the fastest time of the novices. Clearly watching all the action over the last year helped!
The next Formula G champions?
Future title contenders queue to take to the track
With lots of great hints and tips from our coaches, our novices rapidly progressed from learning the course slowly to steadily posting increasingly impressive times. After some lunch we let the novices loose on their own AND side by side, just like the real thing, which only served to make them faster still. When it was time to post qualifying times for the fastest time of the day competition, it was full focus and full send from all - fantastic to see the difference between their first and last runs!
A highlight for us was that we also welcomed not one but two MR2s! Apart from having next to useless handbrakes, the drivers showed that the mid-rear configuration was a formidable platform and hopefully we will see more of that in the coming year.
Amazing driving by all, thanks to all the drivers, coaches and marshals for making it such a mega day! Head over to Delta Pixels to see all the action!
FTD Results
Joshua O’Sullivan
Stuart Robson
Daniel Bougourd
Not-so-novice Novices:
Gediminas Lankutis
Levente Bozoki
Gabrielius Krunkauskas
Mantas Sliogeris
Mike Newland
Ryan Milton
Joshua O’Sullivan posted the Fastest Time of the Day in his mk1 MX5
Practice Day - Santa Pod, 19 March
Our championship season opener, our practice day at Pod, rapidly approaches! Get your entries in here quickly to avoid disappointment, we are limiting entries to just 30. We have a pretty exciting track planned for you all!
We are also trialling a limited number of half day entries, which will give you either a morning or afternoon session for just £50 in return for marshalling for the other half of the day. Sound like a good deal? Snap it up here - when they’re gone, they’re gone.